A proxy factory enabling low-cost deployments of the core contracts available within the DecentSDK

This contract serves as a permanent, immutable, and permissionless foundation upon which to build your application. It's primary function is to allow artist-owned and gas-efficient deployments of the core contracts within the DecentSDK.

Mainnet Deployments

SDK Mainnet deployments share a single canonical address across Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, and Arbitrum.

Testnet Deployments

Smart Contract Methods

deployDCNT721A Deploy a minimal proxy clone of the DCNT721A implementation contract.

deployDCNT4907A Deploy a minimal proxy clone of the DCNT4907A implementation contract.

deployDCNTCrescendo Deploy a minimal proxy clone of the DCNTCrescendo implementation contract.

deployDCNTVault Deploy a minimal proxy clone of the DCNTVault implementation contract.

deployDCNTStaking Deploy a minimal proxy clone of the DCNTStaking implementation contract.

Last updated